Following the closely watched and highly anticipated 2024 presidential election, President Trump will again take office in the White House, assuming control of the Executive Branch. As his second term begins, he and his deputies will oversee the Department of Labor’s Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA).

After years of active rulemaking and enforcement from MSHA under President Biden, the industry is eager to see what this iteration of the agency will look like over the next four years. While MSHA will have new leadership, priorities, and direction, its core mission will remain unchanged: to regulate the nation’s mining industry and to complete its mandatory inspections for all surface and underground operations.

Conn Maciel Carey’s complimentary 2025 MSHA Webinar Series, which includes monthly programs (sometimes more often) put on by the MSHA-specialist attorneys in the firm’s national MSHA Practice Group is designed to give employers insight into developments at MSHA during this period of unpredictability and significant change. To register for an individual webinar in the series, click here: