Florida Mine Safety Program

The purpose of the Florida Mine Safety  Program is to assist mining companies with their safety and health training and retraining of miners in order to eliminate fatal injuries and reduce the frequency and severity of mining accidents. The overall thrust of the program is to ensure that the miners and contract miners working in Florida’s metal and nonmetal surface mining operations will be effectively trained in safety and health as required under parts 46, 48 and 56 of Title 30, Code of Federal Regulations (30 CFR).

Informational seminars, focusing on the leading causes of Florida mining accidents and industrial illnesses, as well as leading causes of mining accidents throughout the nation, will be conducted at various locations throughout the state. Seminars on Dust and Noise Sampling will also be conducted, as needed.

Since most Florida mine sites are water-filled, the exposure to water related injuries and drowning fatalities is substantial. Special emphasis will be placed on the use of life jackets and the risks of working around water hazards.

All mine operators and contractors are invited to participate in the states’ seminars, especially small mine operators, employees, and contractors working at mines with fewer than twenty employees.

Customized Training to fit the needs of the Mining Industry is available upon request.