Tune in Tuesday April 25, 2017, from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. ET for a Mine Safety and Health Administration Quarterly Training Call.
During the call, MSHA will review fatalities, as well as near misses, that occurred in coal, metal and nonmetal mines since January 2017. In particular, MSHA will discuss those fatal accidents that occurred while a miner was working alone. There will also be some time for your questions and comments.
RSVP for the call here. An RSVP is not required, but strongly encouraged.
Please call 800-779-8389 and enter the participant passcode of 5639292. The call will be recorded and the audio will be posted afterwards.
Early that morning, the meeting materials will be made available on the MSHA Training Center.
If you have any questions about the upcoming call, please contact JR Wycinsky at (202) 693-9422 or at wycinsky.david@dol.gov