Active and abandoned mine sites are dangerous, potentially fatal

There are approximately 14,000 active mines and about 500,000 abandoned mines throughout the nation There are mines in every state. This makes the possibility of encountering an active or abandoned mine likely in those areas.

Active and abandoned mine sites pose serious risks to people untrained and unfamiliar with the site. Each year, explorers, hikers, and off-roaders are injured or killed while exploring, swimming, or playing on a mine property.

As students return to school while the weather is still warm and water seems inviting, it is more important than ever to remind people to stay out of abandoned or active mine sites like quarries, tunnels, and pits.

Stay Out, Stay Alive is a nationwide public awareness campaign to educate children and adults about the hazards of exploring and playing at active and abandoned mine sites. Furthermore, the safety initiative’s primary mission is to remind people of the one and only key safety practice when encountering an active or abandoned mine site. That is: STAY OUT – STAY ALIVE.

Learn more about the different hazards found at mining operations: