Pollution from Florida mining a concern with Hurricane Ian

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) — The polluted leftovers of Florida’s phosphate fertilizer mining industry, more than 1 billion tons in “stacks” that resemble enormous ponds, are at risk for leaks or other contamination when Hurricane Ian comes ashore in the state, environmental groups say. Florida has 24 such phosphogypsum stacks, most of them concentrated in…

December 2021

In this edition of the Florida Mine Safety Program e-newsletter, you’ll find information about the holiday season, the 2021 Southeast Mine Safety & Health Conference and a recent competition win. Read the full E-Newsletter.

October 2021

In this edition of the Florida Mine Safety Program e-newsletter, you’ll find information about the Fourth Annual Surface Mining Emergency Response Training and Competition, conferences taking place this fall and upcoming course dates. Read the full E-Newsletter.

August 2021

In this edition of the Florida Mine Safety Program e-newsletter, you’ll find information about the 2021-2022 National Surface Mine Rescue Rules Task Force and Advisory Board, an upcoming course date and new consultants, as well as this year’s Stand Down for Safety Day. Read the full E-Newsletter.

December 2020

In this edition of the Florida Mine Safety Program e-newsletter, you’ll find information about 2021 course dates, as well as the Fourth Annual Surface Mining Emergency Response Training and Competition. Read the full E-Newsletter.

October 2020

In this edition of the Florida Mine Safety Program e-newsletter, you’ll find information about the TRAM Annual Conference, as well as new course offerings and next year’s training and competition. Read the full E-Newsletter.

July 2020

In this edition of the Florida Mine Safety Program e-newsletter, you’ll find information about our new partnership with the Northeast Florida Safety Council, an open training specialist position and more! Read the full E-Newsletter.

May 2020

In this edition of the Florida Mine Safety Program e-newsletter, you’ll find information about the mining industry’s response to coronavirus, including resources for virtual courses and personal protective equipment. Read the full E-Newsletter.